CBD hemp fibre, a wonderful textile

CBD hemp fibre, a wonderful textile

CBD hemp, or Cannabis Sativa, is a member of the cannabinaceae family.

It generally has a three-month growth cycle.
The plant, which contains CBD and CBG among other substances, can grow to a height of three to five metres when cultivated outdoors (it can also be grown indoors or in the greenhouse), and is harvested annually, usually in October.

In France, CBD hemp is mainly grown for its textile fiber.

You may have come across CBD hemp clothing without even knowing it.

A relatively rare raw material on the market, CBD hemp fiber nonetheless boasts a number of interesting properties, making it one of the best textile fibers available.

There's every reason to wear hemp

CBD hemp fiber is a natural, plant-based material.

The structure of CBD hemp fiber gives it thermoregulatory properties, i.e. it insulates against the cold or allows body heat to escape, depending on the outside temperature.

CBD hemp fiber also has excellent moisture-absorbing properties, and dries fairly quickly.

Fabrics made from CBD hemp fiber are also very stable. They warp very little with use, and their dyeing is highly resistant to washing. In principle, a 30-degree washing machine will do the trick.

Finally, CBD hemp has interesting bactericidal and fungicidal properties, which limit the risk of allergies and unpleasant odors. A CBD hemp textile will generally smell less than another type of textile if it hasn't dried properly.

A particularly eco-friendly crop

CBD hemp does not require a lot of water to grow. By way of comparison, it requires up to 20 times less water than cotton.

Like all plants, CBD hemp absorbs CO2 and releases oxygen, thus contributing to air quality.

It is also a high-yielding plant, with rapid growth requiring virtually no fertilizers or pesticides.

As a result, most CBD hemp grown is organic.

The manufacture of CBD hemp garments therefore has little impact on the environment.

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